Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New FUR-ends

After weeks of not working out, I had to do some type of physical activity. It was a pretty day today, a little cooler than it has been, so I thought I would go for a walk/run around the neighborhood. A little into my walk- just when I started feeling a little lost and lonely, two fur-ends showed up to accompany me in my walk. =)

I was so happy to have some companions with me. Neither of them had collars so I figured they were stray dogs. They walked with me for a while. At one point both of them were on either side of me walking! I called Matt, he said we couldn't have them. So I called Sarah, who loves animals and told her the situation. We decided I would "coral" them into my back yard and maybe we could call someone. Before I got that far I passed by a lady outside her house who recognized the dogs. "Texas and Rusty, you got out again!" she said.

Texas and Rusty were far from what I had already named them, Spot and Benji, but I went with it. I asked her where they lived and she said a couple houses down. They were returned and I was lost!

The dogs had completely distracted me from which roads I had taken. A little later I found my way back.

Thank you Rusty (aka Benji) and Texas (aka Spot) for walking with me today! Maybe see you tomorrow?



  1. OMG, how cute are they? I love how they just walked next to you. Dogs are great walking companions!

  2. I was just saying the other day how dogs can sense when you are down or not feeling like yourself. Texas and Rusty knew what they were doing ;). And cute story Lurcott. Miss you (already).
